mardi 15 mai 2012

Haïku des adieux

Good bye to this world
Where flowers cannot survive
After but one spring


Au revoir au monde
Où les fleurs ne peuvent vivre
Plus d'un seul printemps

Claude Lopez-Ginisty

Haiku écrit pour le tournoi chevaleresque 
carry on tuesday

5 commentaires:

Vinay Leo R. a dit…

transitions from spring to summer? quite beautiful Claude. enjoyed this read.

vivinfrance a dit…

I prefer the second: which language did you write first?

Claude LOPEZ-GINISTY a dit…

Thanks Leo!
Dear Vivinfrance, I generally write in both languages at the same time, trying to keep the very basic rule of the 5-7-5 syllables

PattiKen a dit…

Some flowers are fated to live such a short time. The French version is just beautiful.

keiths ramblings a dit…

Simply delightful.